#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'json' require_relative 'lib' PICTURE_URL = 'https://media.pdp8.info/pictures' PICTURE_PATH = '/srv/media/pictures' html = File.read(File.join(SNIPPETS, 'head.html')) html += nav 'pictures' posts = Dir[File.join('/srv', 'social', 'outbox', 'create', '*.json')].collect { |f| JSON.load_file(f) }.select do |a| a['to'].include?('https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public') and a['object']['attachment'] end.collect { |a| a['object'] }.select { |o| o['attachment'].size == 1 and o['attachment'][0]['mediaType'].match(/image/) } posts.sort_by { |o| o['published'] }.reverse.each do |object| att = object['attachment'][0] url = att['url'] basename = File.basename(url, File.extname(url)) next if basename == 'cover' www_path = File.join(PICTURE_PATH, 'www', basename + '.webp') www_url = File.join(PICTURE_URL, 'www', basename + '.webp') alt = att['name'] ? att['name'].gsub("'", ''').gsub('"', '"') : '' src_url = File.join(PICTURE_URL, basename + File.extname(url)) w, h = `/etc/profiles/per-user/ch/bin/identify -format "%w %h" #{www_path}`.chomp.split(' ') html += "
" html += "